Toronto Elections - Ward 3 - ROGER DESCHENES

Toronto from Ward 3

Roger Deschenes

Toronto Elections: Ward 3 Candidate


Ward 3 Toronto Election Candidates

Ross Vaughan and the other candidates

Why is Ross running for Ward 3?
Why is Roger running for Ward 3?

Election Issue - City Council

Ross Vaughan states:
Two Term Limit for Councillors. 30 years is too long. Reduce Council to 22 members. Same as MP’s and MPP’s. Reduce Office Expenses by $30,000.

Roger Deschenes is not in favour of reducing number of councillors.
We rarely see our elected officials now, so why cut the number in half?

Roger is not in favour of term limits. When their time is up the voters will speak.


lection Issue - Traffic

Ross Vaughan states:
HOV lanes created on Gardiner / DVP in both directions from existing left lanes. Queen & King Streetcars – One Way between Bathurst and Parliament.

Roger Deschenes agrees HOV lanes are a good idea.
Effective transportation in Toronto is
one of our top issues.


Toronto Election Issue - TTC

Ross Vaughan states:
Eglinton Line as Subway Only! Bloor / Danforth line. A Spur to Toronto Airport. Two stations per year to Burlington. Spadina Line connected to Yonge Line along Steeles.

Roger Deschenes believes that an Eglinton subway is too expensive at this time. We should wait until times are better. Where will the money come from ?

Rogers states there we absolutely need rapid connection from airport to downtown and two stations per year to Burlington.

Roger Deschenes is against the Spadina Line connected to Yonge along Steeles as the ridership would be minimal at off peak times. There are many other transportation priorities at this time.


Toronto Election Issue - Bicycle Lanes
Bikes & Bike Lanes

Ross Vaughan states:
Adults are required to buy a License Plate. $60 Initial Fee & $20 annual renewal. Fees fund Bike Lanes.

Roger Deschenes is in full support and agrees with Ross Vaughan that adults are required to buy a bicycle license plate with a $60 initial fee and $20 annual renewal. The fees would be used to support the creation and maintenance of bike lanes.


Toronto Election Issue - Island Airport
Island Airport

Ross Vaughan states:
Fill in the Western Gap and create a 40 Acre Park. No Tunnel. No Ferry. Create a new gap south of the airport to improve boating traffic.

Roger Deschenes says forget filling the western gap. Leave the quaint ferry system for a few more years. If new bridge or tunnel is constructed must be paid for by Airport or other funding.


sue - Fiscal Restraint
Fiscal Restraint

Ross Vaughan states:
Eliminate Land Transfer and Vehicle Tax. No Sole Source contracts.

Roger Deschenes thinks Vaughan and others are dreaming when they talk of eliminating Land transfer tax and Vehicle tax. Roger does not like these taxes. The city cannot afford to eliminate land transfer tax, or vehicle tax unless we pick up the money from somewhere else. Higher property taxes no doubt. Not a good idea.

Roger Deschenes agrees with Ross Vaughan and is not in favor of Sole source contracts.

Better City.......Better Life


Content from Ross Vaughan's website on October 7, 2010
Green content is Roger Deschenes' viewpoint and position.



Roger Deschenes

Roger Deschenes
Ward 3
Toronto Elections