Toronto Elections - Ward 3 - ROGER DESCHENES

Toronto from Ward 3

Roger Deschenes

Toronto Elections: Ward 3 Candidate


Ward 3 Toronto Election Candidate


Doug Holyday and the other candidates

Why is Doug Holyday running for Ward 3?
Why is Roger Deschenes running for Ward 3?


1. What key issues define Doug Holyday's campaign platform?

Doug Holyday states he has always given priority to efficient management of the city’s operations with an emphasis on the most effective use of tax dollars. This goes back prior to amalgamation in the former City of Etobicoke where he was the Mayor, when they contracted out Etobicoke's solid waste collection for a savings of $1 million annually. It’s estimated today that decision saves Etobicoke taxpayers in excess of $2 million each year.

Other issues include improving the quality of life for all residents of Toronto, particularly Ward 3 residents; Ensuring that infill development taking place along Highway 427 and other areas is done in a way that benefits the community; and rejuvenation of City parks that focuses on retention of green space and enhanced use by our residents.

2. Why Doug Holyday the best candidate for this position?

Doug Holyday's 25 years of experience as an Etobicoke Councillor, Etobicoke Mayor, Metro Councillor and City of Toronto Councillor, along with his 33 years of successful business management and being a lifelong resident of Etobicoke gives him the ability and experience to deal with both local and City issues.

3. What specifically does Doug Holyday plan to do for ward 3, if elected?

Doug Holyday states he will continue to try to get the rest of the City to adopt the efficiencies that were in place in the former City of Etobicoke to provide more efficient service at a fair cost. Doug will also ensure that the changes which will occur over time will not have a negative effect on the quality of life of the community.

A lifelong resident of Etobicoke, Doug has been the Councillor for Ward 3, Etobicoke Centre, since 1998. He was the last Mayor of the City of Etobicoke from 1994-1997 and an Etobicoke Councillor since 1982.

Doug Holyday's extensive community involvement includes 33 years of successful business management, a 20 year membership with the Etobicoke Kingsway Kiwanis Club, chairmanship of the Salvation Army’s Etobicoke Red Shield Appeal and 10 years as governor of Queensway General Hospital. Doug and his wife Franca live in central Etobicoke.

According to Wikipedia, Doug Holyday is one of council`s staunchest conservatives. He has a tendency to oppose public spending measures.
Roger Deschenes is in favor of prudent public spending.

Better City ....Better Life! 
Make sure you have money before you spend it.

Doug Holyday was the only member of council not to vote for a resolution describing homelesness as a national disaster.
Roger Deschenes strongly feels that homelessness is a NATIONAL DISGRACE and a NATIONAL DISASTER!!!  Under Roger's leadership we will find a solution. Not just throw money and social workers. This is a problem that we don`t  see a lot of in Ward 3, but it is a problem for our city. We are our brother`s keeper. Roger believes in equal access for all. Opportunity for all.
Doug Holyday once voted to reduce number of councillors.
Roger Deschenes believes that by saying this Doug is saying that he doesn`t have enough work to do and he might be willing to take on double the workload. Roger Deschenes feels that if a councillor works hard in Ward 3 to serve his 50,000 constituents he would be run off of his feet. How could he properly serve another 50,000?

Doug Holyday; Lifelong Etobicoke resident = Tunnel vision.
Roger Deschenes is a lifelong Toronto resident with over 20 years in Etobicoke and this equals a great understanding of the differences between urban and suburban issues.
Doug Holyday; Much political experience. Privatized garbage collection in Etobicoke
Roger Deschenes has much life experiences. He strongly believes in well paying jobs that are done efficiently by Union members who have a good benefits and pension package like Doug has.
Doug Holyday has been in public life for a long time now and by most accounts has been a strong performer .
Roger Deschenes is a newcomer to public life and will represent you well.

These are the tax increases in Toronto


Doug Holyday wants to bring efficiencies to Toronto like he did for Etobicoke. i.e privatization of garbage collection.
Roger Deschenes will not contract out Waste Collection Services
Roger Deschenes will VOTE to make TTC and Police and Waste collection essential services .
Doug Holyday
has now endorsed Rob Ford for mayor.
Roger Deschenes used to endorse Doug Holyday.

Ross Vaughan supports Rob Ford for Mayor
Peter Kudryk leans toward Rob Ford for Mayor.
Roger Deschenes does NOT endorse Rob Ford for Mayor.
Roger Deschenes wants to improve the quality of life for ALL citizens. Toronto must decide if we want lower taxes and less service or do we want a vibrant city with excellent transportation and beautiful well maintained public spaces.

Roger Deschenes will support moderate tax increases in order to maintain and improve quality of life for all.

Roger Deschenes  believes that anyone who says there will be no tax increases is either lying or dreaming.

Roger Deschenes
Better City......Better Life !!!



Roger Deschenes

Roger Deschenes
Ward 3
Toronto Elections